Friday, March 02, 2007

Storm Damage

Storm Damage, originally uploaded by Melsky.

Yesterday's snowstorm turned into ice rain and high winds at night. Very hard to sleep with the wind howling and the frozen rain clattering at our windows.

This morning we got up and a big branch was blown off one of the trees, hitting and crushing the soccer goal post in the schoolyard across the street. Good thing no one was playing soccer in the middle of the night!

Our neighbour's roof was damaged by the storm too. A lot of guys are up there now hammering away.

You can also see my neigbours have moved out and left a chair, hassock and coffee table. From across the street they look like they were in good condition, however they are probably now all ruined because of sitting out in the snow and freezing rain. I wish people would use freecycle or freeTOreulse (a local group similar to freecycle) another similar service when they have stuff like that. I hate to see furniture ruined and turned into landfill, especially since Toronto is taking most of their trash all the way to Michagan.

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